Here's the official blurb on Ninja Gaiden 2 Black: In Ninja Gaiden 2 Black ... utilizing a variety of weapons and techniques including Japanese swords, shurikens, Kusari-gamas, and tonfas.
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black's small update fixes super-resolution ... violent action using a wide variety of weapons and techniques, including Japanese swords, shurikens, Kusari-gamas, and tonfas.
2008’s Ninja Gaiden II is arguably the best action-adventure in the series history, offering thrills, spills, and gore by the bucketload. So, with Ninja Gaiden 4 revealed for release this year ...
That's not all, though; publisher Koei Tacmo Games also announced, and subsequently released, Ninja Gaiden 2 Black today. Ninja Gaiden is officially ... with a neon-lit cyberpunk take on Tokyo, Japan ...
Itagaki called Black the "final" version of Ninja Gaiden (2004) as he went on to direct Ninja Gaiden 2. The sequel would be released in 2008, but before then came the first wobble: Ninja Gaiden Sigma.
The Flying Fortress Daedalus is the ninth chapter in Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, and it sees Ryu mount an attack against a massive aircraft. This vehicle is home to six collectibles, and while it is not ...
Initially, this appeared to make the game much easier, but in fact, Ninja Gaiden II's difficulty could easily be considered on par with the original, if not for different reasons. Thankfully ...
Ninja Gaiden 2 Black has received a major update, adding a New Game+ mode and a photo mode. New Game+ allows players to begin a new game on any difficulty level previously cleared with all weapons ...