A space for spiritual reflection with a Bible reading, prayer and a range of Christian music led by Azariah France Williams. Six people reflect on the story of Jesus' ministry and Passion.
We believe in the Holy Spirit … the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son … who has spoken through the prophets. Nicene Creed ...
This year marks the 1,700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, which produced one of Christianity’s most enduring and influential documents - the Nicene Creed. Established in 325 AD, this ...
and agreed on a standard statement of faith still known today as the Nicene Creed and said across much of the globe each Sunday. The creed defines God as one entity manifested in three persons ...
How Did the Nicene Creed Form? This famous statement of Christian orthodoxy is recited all over the world today. But it was actually composed in the 4th century during a theological controversy.
It would be great if the anniversary encouraged churches to use the creed this year. Some celebrations of the anniversary have already occurred, with some slated for early March. The council of Nicaea ...
In the late spring of 325 at Nicaea, 318 bishops deliberated on controversies on the nature of Christ, both human and divine, and agreed on a standard statement of faith still known today as the ...
This document, designed as an introductory summary for non-specialists, covers the concept of the Trinity, the Nicene Creed and explores how the Trinity features in Christian worship today. Each ...
I wouldn’t say that Jeffrey John’s prayer for the church from 2001 has supplanted the ... Every Sunday in church we stand, look to the east, towards Jerusalem, and say the Nicene Creed. Every single ...