The shop rotation is random, meaning there is no way of telling what will become available the next day. Most individual ...
Version 10.05 is the next one coming to Valorant, meaning a new set of patch notes should drop soon. This will be the first ...
With Valorant's next Night Market just around the corner, here are a few frequently asked questions that you might need answers to. 1) Can I reroll Night Market skins in Valorant? No, you cannot ...
When is the next Valorant Night Market? Hopefully, some of your long sought-after weapon skins have been added to your collection. If you’re unsure whether to part with your valuable Valorant ...
What are the new Valorant codes? Everyone likes it when they get free stuff, and it’s even better when it’s for hugely popular multiplayer games like Valorant. However, in the case of high ...
One of Valorant’s most underused agents is in desperate need of a buff, and for one pretty big reason which is actually out ...
VALORANT will be rolling out a new update patch pretty soon, and the team at Riot games will be celebrating the update with a new skin pack. Called the Recon Skin bundle, the new skins will have a ...
Also, sprays are purchasable with Kingdom Credits from the Gear shop. This is another option to grow your collection away from Valorant Points ... So the next time you prepare for a match ...
The 10.04 Patch for Valorant has arrived, bringing with it the new Duelist - Waylay, various Agent updates, a new map rotation, and more! This page acts as a comprehensive breakdown of the 10.04 ...
The Poppin Swing is an integral part of VALORANT lore. Whether you've one-tapped opponents with this innovative technique or have been defeated by it during cru ...
VALORANT's newest update is slowing things down with more efficient Chamber, Harbor and Skye utility and updating the game's Minimap to reflect vertical areas and object locations with greater ...