Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning. Here's how many Friday the 13th days there were in 2024, how many there will be next year, and a look at the history and superstitions to look ...
But not everyone walks around with a photographic memory of the calendar, such that they can recite the next occurrence of Friday the 13th. As Mr. Vorhees shows us, some careers actively rely on ...
The Jason X and Jason Goes to Hell 4K Limited Editions are stuffed with extras and special features, and preorders are live ...
Because while Friday the 13th is rightfully remembered for kickstarting so many of the tropes we love today, it's unfortunate ...
Jason Goes to Hell: The Final Friday is the second Friday the 13th movie that falsely claims ... the entire time without apology, unlike the next entry on our list. If you're perversely interested ...
Five months ahead of the next Friday the 13th rally, officials in Norfolk County are telling bikers not to come to Port Dover. Since 1981, bikers have gathered in the area by Lake Erie every ...