“The Nebra Sky Disc is an extraordinary relict of the Early Bronze Age and an impressive example of the profound knowledge ...
The Nebra Sky Disc made headlines in 1999 when it was unearthed ... where many smiths specialized in this type of metalwork— especially for swords— during the Middle Ages.
The Nebra Sky Disc is widely believed to be 3,600 years ... The disc was discovered near the town of Nebra in Germany along with swords, axes and other items dating from the Bronze Age.
Recent studies have shed light and offered new insights into the Nebra Sky Disc, a 3,600-year-old artifact, which is recognized as the oldest known depiction of the cosmos. New discoveries ...
Reproductions of the Nebra Sky Disk and the associated hoard of high-quality Bronze Age swords, axes, armbands and a chisel as they were found buried on a hill overlooking the town of Nebra.
A new analysis of the Nebra Sky Disc — a 3,800-year-old artifact that may be the oldest known representation of the sky — undermines claims that it is a more recent forgery. The study shows ...
The Nebra Sky Disc is widely believed to be 3,600 years ... The disc was discovered near the town of Nebra in Germany along with swords, axes and other items dating from the Bronze Age.