The company says it sells over 4.7 million of its manual SnotSuckers every year, but for parents who are too grossed out at ...
Using their guidance, I rounded up a handful of products that fall into three main categories: devices that address sleep position, the nasal pathway and the upper airway. Remember, there’s one ...
It’s peak cold and flu season, but before you grab that nasal wash to clear up your stuffy nose, you might want to take a closer look at the label. Ascent Consumer Products Inc. is voluntarily ...
The expert explains that most people don’t use nasal sprays correctly: Skipping the “Priming” Step: Spraying without preparing the device first. Wrong Head Position: Tilting the head back ...
Image Caption: Zeteo Biomedical Introduces CygnusMRTM and CygnusSDXTM Delivery Devices for Nasal Administration of Dry Powder Drugs and Biologics. Intranasal dry powder formulations offer ...