The fourth season of “Narcos,” the acclaimed Netflix show about the war on drugs, has been released. So far, so good. The well-done series remains compelling.
which will give plenty of time for the body count to rise and will provide the perfect jumping-off point for Narcos season 4, which has already been confirmed by Netflix. Like the Gentleman’s Journal?
more exciting than ever' Netflix has reassured fans of its popular crime drama Narcos that the show's future remains safe. Doubts were raised after security concerns escalated when a location ...
Season 1 of Narcos came as an incredibly pleasant surprise; one that blew us away like nothing else has done before. Pablo Escobar’s escapades as one of the world’s nastiest, most high-flying drug ...
If you haven’t seen Narcos (season one at least) or heard gushing reviews about it at a dinner or soiree, you’ve clearly just returned from outer space and need some time to readjust to life ...
character stereotypes and the glamorisation of a drug-fuelled past have long plagued the critically-acclaimed Netflix hit series Narcos in Colombia. And in early April, the global streaming giant ...
For the third and final season of Narcos: Mexico, Rhubarb were asked by the client to create an epic promotional artwork that included the many characters in the series and, in keeping with the ...
and Dublin Narcos. “Fusing documentary and drama, the series charts the rise and fall of some of the opportunistic smugglers and dealers who brought LSD, ecstasy, and cocaine to Ibiza during the ...
Chris Feistl is an actor, consultant, screenwriter, and producer known for Finding Escobar's Millions; a six episode television series on the Discovery Channel, the documentary Drug Lords, the Cali ...