Thursday was the Narcan Training Program hosted by Jill Weinischke who is the Prevention Director at the Share Foundation.
“That’s why we need to sound the alarm about how easy it is to use naloxone medications, like NARCAN ® Nasal Spray, to help save a life,” Clark says. “This cannot be an ‘out of ...
FALL RIVER — At a Jan. 13 meeting, the School Committee voted in favor of teaching 11th and 12th graders how to administer nasal Narcan, or naloxone, spray — commonly known as the antidote for ...
There have been great strides in the fight against the opioid epidemic since 2018 when Emergent first acquired its flagship product, NARCAN® Nasal Spray, which is designed to rapidly reverse the ...
Alongside over-the-counter NARCAN® Nasal Spray 4 mg, prescription KLOXXADO® (naloxone HCl) Nasal Spray 8 mg will expand Emergent's ability to distribute multiple life-saving opioid overdose ...
According to Harm Reduction Michigan, frozen or even expired Narcan nasal spray can still be effective in an emergency. However, if frozen at the time an overdose occurs, the public is reminded to ...