Maylee Samuels has been playing the dulcimer for 30 years and, in advance of a local dulcimer St. Patrick's Day-themed ...
Even people who know much about American music often confuse the hammered dulcimer with the three- or four-stringed "mountain" or "plucked" dulcimer, although the two have nothing in common except ...
He’s really shouting and so’s the audience. They’re blown away. And so are we. She really is incredibly good at playing the dulcimer. Thank you for your music, and for your respect for 19th-century ...
His music draws attention, as does the instrument he plays it on. “The mountain dulcimer is technically part of the zither family, and a zither is any stringed instrument where the strings go ...
Sitting with the long, three-stringed instrument in my lap and making legitimate music, albeit alongside ... the instrument's long history. The mountain dulcimer was created in the Appalachian ...