This is a commentary on the doctrine of an infallible, inerrant, and verbally inspired divine book, every part of which is as good as every other. The philosophical Mormon prates long and loud of ...
“Facts,” Burningham said, “are different than beliefs ... “They say specifically, ‘We don’t dispute that the Book of Mormon ...
The Book of Mormon is the largest reason ... The apostle recounted financial problems, intense persecutions and strong doctrine that contributed to estrangement among some early members.
Other opposition stemmed from Mormon doctrine. The church believed that the true church had been removed from the earth at the end of the Apostolic Age and that, as a result, all other Christian ...
Among the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that Joseph Smith was visited by God and Jesus Christ in the 1820s and was inspired to translate the Book of Mormon from ...
At the time, however, he kept the doctrine secret ... Oliver Cowdery, who had taken down the dictation of much of The Book of Mormon, accused Smith of adultery. When told he should practice ...