New recipes often come about out of necessity ... or parchment paper lined small baking sheet with sides, place the mini tart ...
Mary's easy recipe for oh-so-pretty fruit tarts uses a regular bun tin to make ... Cut twelve 10cm/4in square pieces of baking parchment and use them to line each pastry case (you will find ...
Kat Thompson is the associate editor of Eater at Home, covering home cooking and baking, cookbooks, and kitchen gadgets.
For example, I pull out my rectangular ceramic baking dish when I’m making lasagna for ... I also have loaf, pie, and cake pans galore. To ensure this list is as thorough as possible, I ...
Leave to chill for 30 minutes in the fridge, to harden up. Cut discs of parchment to line the tart cases, then fill with baking beans or something similar. Step Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan ...
Equipment and preparation: for this recipe you will need 12 x 7.5cm/3in fluted mini tartlet tins ... filling so it almost fills the tarts, carefully sit the baking sheet and tarts on the oven ...