Artyfact, a renowned play-to-earn non-fungible token game, has successfully launched on the Epic Games Store. This ...
By some definitions, though, these 3D worlds don't truly become part of the metaverse until they have a full-fledged digital economy. Many of these games and services allow users to purchase ...
Venture capitalist and former Amazon AMZN executive Matthew Ball, in his essay on the topic notes: …what’s important is to recognize the metaverse isn’t a game, a piece of hardware or an ...
Being the reachless technology a few decades ago, today the metaverse is the hub of social digital interaction. This is an interactive virtual space where people can experience the lives of their ...
News and opinion about video games, television, movies and the internet. It is abundantly clear at this point that the last few years have taken the term “metaverse” from an aspirational ...
An obituary for the latest fad to join the tech graveyard The Metaverse, the once-buzzy technology that promised to allow users to hang out awkwardly in a disorientating video-game-like world ...
The April 11 announcement comes soon after Lego and Epic Games revealed a partnership to build a metaverse for kids. Tim Sweeney, CEO and founder of Epic Games, said, “This investment will ...
Epic Games is already in a long-term partnership with Lego, one of the most-popular building-blocks companies in the world, to create and “shape the future of the metaverse” together.