The Chernihiv Regional Youth Theater in Ukraine has adapted to the war by having women perform traditionally male roles, ...
Eleven men rode to battle in the big 6-24 Liberator bomber “Golden Gator,” but only four lived to see their North Australian base again. Navigator Lieut. Robert Jones had tears in his eyes as ...
Where once the war in Iraq was defined in conversations with these men by untenable ideas such as bringing democracy or defeating al-Qaeda, these days the war in Iraq is defined by different ways ...
Homey, homely Ernie Pyle last week turned to the ways of RAFsters in Italy: > Called one fighter pilot to another: “I say, old chap, there is a Jerry on your tail.” Replied the other: “Quite ...
Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Third Series, Vol. 24, College Men at War (1957), pp. iii-v, vii-xiii, xv-xxiv, 1, 3-59, 61-107, 109-233, 235-279, 281-297, 299-310 (324 pages) ...
Men who worked with horses were needed because the Army had thousands of horses. ALBERT GURNEY: ‘Ello. This war has messed up everyone’s business including mine. Pleased to meet you.
Ukraine: Men at war means women at work Since the Russian invasion, Ukraine has mobilized about 1 million men to defend the country. This created a huge labor shortage and women stepped up to fill it.