Beta-blockers work by slowing the heart rate, helping it beat less forcefully ... “Since herbs are active compounds, they can increase or decrease medication effects, depending on the interaction.
Cocaine is a powerful stimulant drug that can raise heart ... heart rate. Long-term use of cocaine can cause several serious health complications, including cardiovascular problems, increased ...
these slow heart rate and limit the body's ability to circulate blood efficiently for cooling," Thompson said. Stimulants, like rid Alyn and adoral, is another class of medications which increase ...
The results showed that patients taking diltiazem had a 20% higher risk of being hospitalized or dying due to serious ...
Your child’s heart rate and blood pressure will ... In these cases, a doctor may prescribe nonstimulant medications like guanfacine. Taking these will not increase your dopamine levels, but ...
Thyroid storm causes an increased heart rate, blood pressure ... This includes an antithyroid medication to reduce the production of T3 and T4. Medications include: Hyperthyroidism requires ...
Patients who have been treated for heart failure and experience an improvement of their pump function, are still at higher risk of heart-related death or hospitalization if they stop taking heart ...