The proposed policy would combine geometry and algebra into an ‘integrated’ class. The State Board of Education is set to ...
Math MA5 will run alongside the existing Math MA and MB courses but will feature an expanded five-day schedule. Harvard’s ...
The bill includes a requirement that students who get a C or less in Math 1 or 2 before this fall have to take another math ...
Most problems will be of the kind appearing on the Putnam Exam, an annual international mathematics competition. This course may be repeated for credit. A survey of contemporary topics in mathematics ...
The purpose of the Math Placement Assessment (MPA) is to make sure that students begin their mathematical studies at UD in a course for which they are prepared and in which they can succeed. In that ...
All prerequisite courses must be passed with a grade of C- or better. For official course descriptions, please see the current CU-Boulder Catalog. MATH 3001 Analysis 1 Provides a rigorous treatment of ...
For students enrolled before June 2024: Business majors may take either the Business Calculus sequence (Math 30 and 31), or the first two courses in the Science/Engineering Calculus sequence (Math 11 ...
The Mathematics department will occasionally allow courses taken from other Boston College departments to count as electives for the mathematics major. Such courses will be decided upon before the ...