The Placement Tests are not timed (with the exception of the WritePlacer). Please do not be concerned if other students are finishing before you. They may not be required to take the same number of ...
The Math Readiness Test covers the topics of algebra, analytic geometry, trigonometry, exponentials, logarithms, and more. We recommend working through the exercises in these resources: Another option ...
A number of courses across the university use either the Miami Math Placement exam or an ACT or SAT mathematics test subscore as a prerequisite. Since ACT and SAT scores are optional, all incoming ...
According to their performance on our placement test, business majors may need to enroll in MATH 0260 Intermediate Algebra ... Employers value these skills. For example, several U.S. governmental ...
What is the Math Placement Exam (MPE)? The MPE is a test that assesses a student's proficiency in mathematics and determines the appropriate math course for the student's skill level. The University ...
Examples of 100-level math courses are Intermediate Algebra ... If you have never taken a world language course, you do not need to take a world language placement test. You will begin with a 101 ...
Welcome to the ALEKS Math Placement Assessment. As a student preparing to embark on your educational journey at UD, ALEKS is here to help you to get the most out of your placement testing experience.
Examples of 100-level math courses are Intermediate Algebra ... If you have never taken a world language course, you do not need to take a world language placement test. You will begin with a 101 ...
The following list of objectives was developed during the designing of the SFU’s Quantitative Placement Test. The purpose of the test is to determine whether incoming students have the necessary ...
If math, writing, or critical reading have been an obstacle for you in the past, we have special courses and supports available to help you conquer them. Placement tests are one tool that we use to ...
Students can view their placement results in Canvas under "Grades" or by going to the Buff Portal. All students are required to take the Math Readiness Test first. Those who would like to improve ...
Placement in an appropriate initial math course is crucial to your success at Michigan Tech. Our goal is to place you into the course that will provide the best opportunity to complete your degree in ...