MassWildlife stated on its website that "458 lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams in 264 Massachusetts cities and towns" will be ...
CHICOPEE, Mass. (WWLP) – MassWildlife will begin stocking trout in Massachusetts lakes, rivers and ponds this month. Their ...
A 5-mile stretch of the Deerfield River, downstream of the Fife Brook Dam in Florida, will purposefully not be stocked this ...
Rhode Island and some Massachusetts lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams designated as trout-stocked waters are currently closed ...
Now, some in the Massachusetts freshwater fishing community, who revere what they call a “wild” population of brown trout, want the state to put a stop to a more than six-decades stocking ...
The Division of Fisheries and Wildlife announced at the Feb. 27 Fisheries and Wildlife Board meeting it would cease the ...
The Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife board and agency staff will discuss a request brought forward by residents asking the agency to cease stocking rainbow trout in the upper Deerfield River ...
Luke Turner, of Manheim, holds a golden Rainbow Trout before releasing it into the Quittapahilla Creek in Lebanon County. The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission (PFBC) has begun its annual ...
Their goal is to stock brook, brown, rainbow, and tiger trout in 264 Massachusetts cities and towns. Stocking will begin the second week of March in the southeast. Other regions of the state will ...
MassWildlife stated on its website that "458 lakes, ponds, rivers, and streams in 264 Massachusetts cities and towns" will be stocked with the trout. Anglers can see what water bodies have been ...
MassWildlife has stocked the upper Deerfield River for at least 40 years, if not more, although it stopped stocking brown trout in that area of the river in 2023. Brown trout are native to the river.