And to honor him on this Martin Luther King Jr. day, we've decided to round up his most beloved and inspiring quotes on ...
To pay tribute to King's enduring legacy, find a collection of stirring Martin Luther King Jr. quotes below. In this ...
Eig discovered that Alex Haley fabricated quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. about Malcolm X in a Playboy interview. The ...
Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. was just 39 years old when he was assassinated on April 4, 1968, but the values he stood for - acceptance, equality, non-violent protest - have echoed ...
(Martin Luther) Few if any men have changed the course of history like Martin Luther. In less than ten years, this fevered German monk plunged a knife into the heart of an empire that had ruled ...
(Martin Luther) Martin Luther found peace when he married an ex-nun named Katharine von Bora, whom he had helped to escape from her nunnery in an empty fish barrel and had taken refuge in Wittenberg.