Enjoying a quiet life on the idyllic Martha’s Vineyard, his peace is shattered by a double whammy – a murder mystery. Unable to resist the pull of the case, Jeff joins forces with Dr. Zee ...
With Martha's Vineyard Police Chief Madieras, his father's best friend, having little history working on murder investigations, Jeff, initially reluctant, eventually accepts the offer to consult ...
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Meanwhile, the mystery back in Boston deepens when Jeff and Andy seem close to catching the person who shot Jeff, until an FBI agent shows up and takes over, shutting them out.
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A Massachusetts man is facing terrorism and firearm charges for allegedly threatening to “vaporize” people on Martha’s Vineyard, officials announced. David Anthony Capato, 57, of Edgartown ...
Police were called to a Steamship Authority terminal on Martha’s Vineyard Wednesday by a man who said he found a gun<a class= ...
The ringleader arrested in connection with an armed bank robbery on Martha’s Vineyard in 2022 was sentenced to prison.