NUMAZU BEACH, Japan — A trial by the Marine Corps of an experimental landing ... a large ramp and offload tactical vehicles, tents and gear for an exercise at the nearby Combined Arms Training ...
Related: 6 Marine Corps ‘rules’ that are not actually ... We’ll keep getting the same crappy gear and Army leftovers for years to come. In a thousand years our descendants will be fighting ...
Marine batteries are the unsung hero of the boating ... Field & Stream has been providing readers with honest and authentic coverage of outdoor gear. Our writers and editors eat, sleep, and ...
Maine Public covered and shared that the innovative technology aims to protect the endangered North Atlantic right whales by ...
The provisions’ purpose is to protect marine mammals from bycatch in foreign fishing gear by holding countries exporting seafood to the United States to the same standards as U.S. fisheries. The ...
Fishing nets and other “ghost gear” left in the oceans have long been killing marine life. The university research team, in a report published in October, said discarded tires are also ...