Sofia and Cal need your help to design a new badge. What sort of badge will you make? Choose from different colours, shapes and pictures to make the perfect badge.
Showing off everything from our favourite bands to our feminist leanings, badges and pins were worn proudly on jackets, bags and hats. But making and collecting them is a hobby that never tires.
XOR team since they began making badges. This badge goes away from that aesthetic and the design achieves a new depth with a gas-mask laden, hoodie-wearing character more reminiscent of Fallout.
All of these puzzles can be solved independently (bring a pen and paper), making badge hacking a group activity. The complete details — as much as we can say — will be revealed during the con ...
Children as young as six were encouraged to make badges celebrating the intifada and praising Palestinian martyrs as part of a charity workshop. The badges, featuring slogans such as “Long Live ...