Dragon Ball's newest adventure, the whimsical and adventurous Daima, takes place in the time between the Majin Buu Saga and Beerus' arrival on Earth. Reverting Goku to a child once more ...
As such, Dragon Ball Daima depicting Majin Kuu as being more intelligent than Majin Buu does a lot to help keep the story fresh, and it will be great to watch that further develop. Majin Kuu Is A ...
Despite holding some of the series' most memorable moments, the Majin Buu Saga is a flawed conclusion that could have been reworked in several ways. Magic has always been a thing in Dragon Ball ...
It was confirmed by the Supreme Kaioshin in the saga that Majin Buu was created by Babidi's father, Bibidi, who was a powerful wizard in his own right. This was eventually contradicted by Dragon ...