they must be periodically recopied or the tightly coiled magnetic surfaces may contaminate each other. The major drawback of tape is its sequential format. Locating a specific record requires ...
So how did Bing become instrumental in introducing magnetic tape recording? Because he was tired of doing live shows. You see, in 1936, Crosby became the host of a radio variety show, The Kraft ...
Magnetic tape superseded the earlier magnetic wire recorders after World War II because of the ease with which one could splice and therefore edit the tape. Standard tape recording formats for ...
5 mil where 1 mil = 1/1000 inch) for different purposes, which now include video and digital recording. The tape is coated with an oxide EMULSION, which when exposed to the variations of the magnetic ...
The mechanism that reads and writes magnetic tape as it moves past. Quality tape recorders have three heads: play (read), record (write) and erase. Many consumer products have only two ...