The back of the vertebra is more complicated ... and ligaments of your lumbar spine. The lumbar area of the spine is the physical center of the body. This area is the hub for many basic activities ...
Lower back pain is a common ailment affecting millions of people, especially in the lower back area, where the lumbar spine is located. This part of the spine is responsible for bearing the weight ...
Unlike spinal fusion, the implant provides stability and lets you move your back almost like normal. You may not be able to bend backward as easily in that area. The biggest risk of back surgery ...
Since my farming accident and back injury last May 15, I have learned a lot about recovery and strengthening in an area that I never worried about before. Never had I suffered from back trouble until ...
Low back pain (LBA) is a universal problem ... pain perceived in anticipation in the trapezius area instead of lumbar area (Main and Watson 1996). Bending and tortional forces along with axial loading ...