In this meal plan, healthy low-sodium home-cooked recipes come together easily and use salt-free flavorings, like herbs and spices, to amp up the flavor while keeping the sodium in check.
Keeping a collection of tasty low-sodium recipes can make it fun and easy to follow a low-sodium diet. It’s important to remember that foods can be high in sodium even if they don’t taste salty.
There are several adjustments that can be made to this traditional recipe. One way to pack on flavor is to add fresh lime juice to your ground beef filling instead of salt. Rinse a low-sodium ...
If you do need to buy a packaged food item just make sure to read the nutrition label and look for additional low or no sodium labeling. Garlic, onions and shallots add fresh flavor to your recipes, ...
Let flavors develop slowly with this low-sodium lamb ragù recipe that gets its delicious flavor from herbs, spices and time. The key to a delicious ragù is to give it time to cook and develop flavors.