Animated series inspired by the classic Looney Tunes. Daffy Duck & Porky Pig go treasure hunting, Marvin the Martian claims a planet. Yosemite Sam shows off his arm wrestling skills.
The director of 'The Day the Earth Blew Up' opens up about the turbulent journey to bring the first animated Looney Tunes ...
Since 1929, Looney Tunes has been full of non-stop laughs ... Bugs Bunny and Daffy Duck are enduring staples of TV, and they have the resume to justify it. Which are the best Looney Tunes shows ...
Porky Pig and Daffy Duck face off against alien nightmare fuel in a magnificently-animated new feature Feature films have not been kind to the Looney Tunes. There was a time when the wacky adventures ...
Aiming for a worldwide release on Feb. 28, 2025, "The Day The Earth Blew Up: A Looney Tunes Movie" has had a circuitous and oft-delayed path to the big screen after being abandoned by incoming ...
The director of 'The Day the Earth Blew Up' opens up about the turbulent journey to bring the first animated Looney Tunes film to the ... like with a TV show? I get this question a lot.