At-risk students can also see their reading scores improve by taking part in high-quality programs. Here are a few ideas to build an after school ... it’s time to consider a funding plan and map out ...
Both free and subscription-based lesson plans are available for middle and high school students. Character Based Literacy combines language arts with character education and is mapped to the English ...
Development and delivery of a Compendium of Structured Lesson Plans and Tools for Improvement of Early Grade Reading Instruction One promising way to address learning poverty is through structured ...
Yes! Investopedia is committed to making financial literacy accessible for everyone. As more lesson plans and articles become available, we will update this resource page. Follow us on social ...
In this lesson, students explore the realities ... the following Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.9-10.2 Determine the central ideas or information of a primary or secondary source ...
The elementary Poetry Lesson Plan can also be used for older students, as it is largely a close-text reading of a few of the poems. A list of additional classroom resources have also been posted here.
The Markkula Center for Applied Ethics offers Common Core-aligned lesson plans that integrate ethics into the language arts curriculum. Lesson plans for books are available by subscription. You can ...