The Sonic the Hedgehog video game franchise began in 1991 with the video game Sonic the Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis, which pitted a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog named Sonic against a rotund male ...
There are big series like Sonic the Hedgehog, LEGO Star Wars, and Castlevania, that all have exclusive installments on this service. That’s every game included in Apple Arcade so far. That’s an ...
The following contains spoilers for Sonic the Hedgehog 3, now playing in theatersSonic The Hedgehog 3's soundtrack is a mix of fun rock, new tracks, and deep-cuts to the history of game franchise.
This month, players will be able to grab 15 games, including the latest open-world Sonic game and three classics from some of PlayStation’s greatest platforming series. Sonic Frontiers is the hi ...