W hen interacting with windows displayed on your monitor, you're using a Windows Manager (WM). All major operating systems ...
Non-profits that refurbish PCs and give them to the needy have a dilemma when it comes to Windows 11-ineligible computers.
Beckhoff has announced the launch of TwinCAT Runtime for Linux, opening up new application possibilities for real-time ...
Linux is generally considered the go-to OS for under powered computers. Wanting to challenge the preconceived notion that Linux requires ‘a computer made in the last 20 years,’ [Dmitry ...
The GMKtec EVO X1 mini PC combines portability and power with 32GB RAM, 4K HDR support, and a gaming-optimized Linux-based OS ...
Delivering a feature-rich KDE Plasma desktop, this specialized version of ArcoLinux lets you install and customize it every ...
There are many lightweight Linux distributions on the market ... But before you dive in, let's talk about WattOS for a bit. Even on a PC with such low resources, WattOS performs very well.
This review first appeared in issue 354 of PC Pro.
Pixel feature drop lies a feature many enthusiasts and developers have asked for years—the Linux Terminal app. This ...