Try light therapy if you're fighting fatigue from the time change or struggling with seasonal depression. Here's how it works ...
Light therapy lamps. The challenge of getting outside ... UV-free light make it an effective and safe option for combating SAD symptoms. The sturdy construction and adjustable angle add to its ...
The lack of daylight hours during the winter can throw off our circadian rhythm – this is the pattern our bodies follow in a ...
Available on Amazon, the palm-sized wand device harnesses the power of red and infrared light to help speed up healing, pain relief and recovery.
A message on the brand's website says: 'If you position Zest at about 50cm, then a 20-minute daily light therapy session should be sufficient for effective SAD treatment'. You should always check any ...
If you know that you’re affected by SAD during the short days of winter, bright light therapy can mitigate its effects and help you feel more energetic and in a better mood. A light therapy lamp ...
Antidepressant medications are sometimes recommended by providers either alone or with light therapy. Research shows that cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, is an effective treatment for SAD.
If you have seasonal affective disorder, here are some ways that light therapy can help. The theory behind light therapy is that vitamin D and sunlight stimulate serotonin production ...