When you picture the quintessential 1950s family, Leave It to Beaver and I Love Lucy come to mind. The reality of life in the 1950s was shockingly different. Sure, the porcelain veneer of the ...
The 1950s were a wild mix of domestic duties, social expectations, and carefully polished appearances—all wrapped up in a perfectly pressed apron. For women of the era, life was about striking a ...
Americans are divided on whether U.S. culture and way of life was better in the 1950s, with white Christians more likely to say it was, a new survey finds. Why it matters: Despite the segregation ...
A new survey found that Americans are divided on if life was better in the 1950s. Nutrition is one of the areas where there's been a lot of development in the last 70 years. Getty Images “Happy ...
American society in the 1950s was geared toward the family ... Although women had other aspirations in life, the dominant theme promoted in the culture and media at the time was that a husband ...
Even when things began to improve as the 1950s progressed, life was still difficult for many working class people. This was something Shelagh Delaney was keen to portray in her play. She also ...
and Harold Macmillan insisted Britons 'had never had it so good' Archive footage shows how daily life was for British people in the 1950's. People are seen milling in the streets, going about ...
In fact, the American consumer was praised as a patriotic citizen in the 1950s, contributing to the ultimate success of the American way of life. "The good purchaser devoted to 'more, newer and ...
Whitsuntide, 1954: Despite the miserable weather on this Whit Monday in 1954, people brave the Cleethorpes seafront to make ...
Even when things began to improve as the 1950s progressed, life was still difficult for many working class people. This was something Shelagh Delaney was keen to portray in her play. She also ...