It was called Nittel Nacht, or Night of the Birth, and commemorated with (among other things) a practice not to learn any Torah until late into the evening. The practice of not learning Torah is ...
Rabbi Medan emphasized, "What they are doing by not going to the army is studying Torah and not observing it. It is like studying the laws of tzitzit and not wearing tzitzit, studying the laws of ...
Studying Torah gives them a place to explore these ideas and express these thoughts. In Jewish tradition, Torah learning is not only an individual act. With practice, young students can also learn to ...
Children had a lookout who announced when a Greek approached. Children hid their books and pulled out dreidels to make the Greeks believe they were gambling rather than learning Torah. Tu B'Shevat, ...
But before we get to that, let’s ask about Jewish practice. As the names sound, orthodox and ultra-orthodox Jews do their best to learn the Torah and keep the commandments given by God to the ...
The majority of Jewish educational institutions in Chicago receive funding from the JUF Annual Campaign and nearly 25% of JUF allocations are dedicated to Jewish education and continued learning.
Between Hand and Scroll” offers a close look at an essential Jewish artifact. The diversity of Torah pointers creates a cross ...