Anytime you see John Mayer on stage, you're going to see a wall of guitar amps. John has insisted that his tone requires ...
Chorus pedals can be used both subtly and in an extreme manner, with the former acting as a subtle thickener for your guitar tone, whilst the latter can make it sound thoroughly sea-sick, and with ...
The guitarist's comments come in the wake of his clever solution to the noise restrictions that affected Dead & Company’s Las ...
As with all the pedals I review, I got started just plugging it in to see ... with higher settings giving a swell effect while lower settings let the transient of your dry guitar through just slightly ...
Available with five outputs or nine, these pedalboard power supplies can supply current-hungry digital and multi-effects, ...
The gear you choose to play for your band’s unique rock sound is important. The tone and atmosphere that make your music ...
To undergo such an investigation, [Nash Reilly] has been simulating guitar effects pedals in LTSpice. Able to find most of the schematics he needs online, [Nash] breaks down the function of each ...