While the base model includes a 500GB SSD, upgrades range from $49 for 1TB, to $1,745 for 8TB, considerably more than the ...
If you're facing the end of support for your operating system and don't want to have to shell out the money for a new one, ...
We’ve seen DOS, EPOC, Windows, WinCE, Palm OS, Linux distros and more in tiny form factors over the years, yet few have made a significant mark. The prospect of a “proper” computer in your ...
If you have an aging computer and want to repurpose it, these lightweight Linux distributions will serve you for years to come.
The netbook was an affordable (sometimes as low as $100) ultra-portable laptop designed for internet ... but some ran Linux distros designed specifically for online use (ChromeOS anyone?) ...
Mecha Comet is a modular handheld Linux computer that connects to Raspberry Pi Hats and other snap-on modules. It runs on ...
I installed Linux Mint Cinnamon on a laptop that was already behind the ... Lots of slowdowns and issues with loading programs, all of which made it nearly unusable. However, Im a big Mint fan ...