Learn why landlords are breaking up with traditional property managers for self-management software providers like ...
It’s alleged landlords used a RealPage algorithm to set rents for approximately a third of one-bedroom and two-bedroom ...
Keeping track of every expense and deduction manually can be a real headache for landlords and real estate investors, but if you use dedicated software to keep your rental property records ...
Lawmakers are currently deliberating Senate Bill 722, which aims to prohibit property managers and landlords from using ...
Oregon lawmakers are considering banning the use of AI to set rents, and limiting the exceptions to the state’s rent ...
It turns out that many of the country's landlords are using the same artificial intelligence tool to jack up your rent. Packaged as part of the popular property management software RealPage ...
Rents are soaring. Is a popular software tool to blame? Landlords have a lot of built-in leverage over renters. Moving is a pain, so tenants are more likely to accept rent hikes. Developing new ...
The results of the TurboTenant survey suggest that the primary concern of landlords is property taxes due to rising property values and an ...
Check out royalpurplenews.com and visit local distribution stands for newspapers. News sections include news, opinions, arts ...
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