CHECK THESE DETAILS BEFORE AGREEING TO ANY PRICE. Read our disclaimer. For lamb classification grades go here >>>> The dates listed in the above table are the sale dates for the saleyard data, and the ...
Meant for meat production, ‘Nudies’ are a breed of sheep that don’t grow wool, allowing farmers to save on costs.
LAMB traders use a wide range of trading signals and technical indicators to predict a price's trajectory. While not all methods are necessary to accurately forecast the direction of the market, some ...
Lamb prices have continued to ease, falling further from the pre-Christmas highs, which saw heavy lamb prices at some sales ...
GLOBAL red meat demand is expected to remain sensitive to cost of living pressures as consumers everywhere continue to ...
Sheep price update: demand for ewes jumps as ICM lifts quote by 50c/kg to €5/kg The plants have also increased base quotes for lambs to €9/kg plus 20c/kg QA payment and moved its carcase weight limit ...