Almost every dog lover I know owns a Lamb Chop toy for their pet, and in many cases, they have multiples. But this character ...
Lamb Chop and Mallory Lewis signed on as Lamb Ambassadors for FOUR PAWS after hearing about the live lamb cutting that occurs in the wool industry FOUR PAWS Lamb Chop, the puppet who has ...
Emmy Park for NY Post Pooches are so enamored with Lamb Chop that their owners even dress them up as the sock puppet character, as seen here on Mango. Emmy Park for NY Post “We sell out of Lamb ...
Goodman "Goody King" Off-Broadway Fame on 42nd Street 2003 Goodman "Goody" King Off-Broadway Fame on 42nd Street 2003 Grace "Lambchops" Lamb Off-Broadway Fame on 42nd Street 2003 Iris Kelly Off ...
Lamb Chop, the puppet who has entertained people for generations, is returning to the spotlight with an important message. The sock puppet star and her "sister," Mallory Lewis — the daughter of ...