Sloe gins are very similar to other types of liqueur in that the addition of sugar and fruit essentially dilutes the gin-proof. Liqueurs are often confused with fortified wines, such as brandy and ...
These eight Gold Medal winning juniper-forward gins are a classic expression of the London Dry style and an ideal base for a ...
While there are random spirits like aquavit, absinthe, advocaat (and more), there are only a few well-known spirit types. The ...
There are many types of gin and there has never been a better time than right now to brush up on your knowledge, thanks to this spirit’s worldwide renaissance. Having risen from the ashes of ...
"I really love vermouth. I like to make my martini with two parts gin to one part vermouth." Beyond experimenting with proportions and different types of gin and vermouth, martinis can also ...
so gin-makers twist themselves into all kinds of linguistic pretzels to describe the product. (My all-time favorite aged gin descriptor: “rusty.”) Of note, cask finishing has long been about ...
The flood came in 1919 when Prohibition struck the United States and, to the authorities' consternation, consumption of all kinds of spirits began to shoot up. Much of this was gin, or was given ...
In this Q&A interview Jennifer Bailey, Head of Americas at Four Pillars Gin, shares insights on her career, the craft gin ...