Rest assured that both eReaders will let you read your digital library, but which one is the best for you? Let's find out.
Here, we break down some of the key differences between two of Amazon's most popular Kindles, the Kindle vs. Kindle Paperwhite, to help you decide which one is worth it for you. The Kindle and ...
Amazon has managed something special with its Kindle lineup - like a Hoover or a Kleenex, its brand name almost defines the category. The ereader landscape would be unrecognisable without these ...
Further reading: Amazon Kindle vs. Kindle Paperwhite: Should you pay more for your e-reader? I’ll be the first one to tell you that I’ve got an embarrassing number of books on my 11th-generati ...
Amazon offers three unique models of Kindles: Kindle (from $90), Kindle Paperwhite (from $140), and Kindle Oasis (from $250). Rakuten has six Kobo models currently on sale: Nia ($100), Clara HD ($ ...