With chronic kidney disease projected to be the fifth leading cause of death by 2040, Nephrologist Dr. Adrian Sawyer is ...
Glargine U300 use was common, especially with increased CKD stages and baseline HbA1c levels among patients with type 2 diabetes.
When you Google chronic kidney disease (CKD), you’ll find numerous articles suggesting that CKD has many causes, including: ...
In patients with CKD, hyperkalemia significantly increases risk for major adverse cardiovascular events and arrhythmia.
"Learn about the importance of kidney health and comprehensive screening during National Kidney Month. Discover how CarelonRx ...
In a 2024 clinical practice guideline issued by the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) organization, a ...
Yet, one in three adults in the U.S. is at risk for kidney disease, and many don`t realize it until the disease is advanced.
Clinicians should continue to monitor UACR or UPCR in at-risk children. During periods of rapid growth such as puberty, children with low GFR may show rapid decline in kidney function. Puberty is a ...
Every year the second Thursday of March is observed as World Kidney Day (WKD). This year, it falls on the 13th of March (Thursday) and the theme for this year is “Are Your Kidneys OK?, Detect Early, ...