“Berserk,” a dark fantasy manga series by Kentaro Miura, has resumed after an abrupt hiatus following the death of the author last year. The latest episode was published in the 13th issue of ...
Despite their “contrasting personalities,” Mori and Miura hit it off because they shared a love of creating manga. Even as students, the pair helped each other fine-tune their works.
Berserk manga creator Kentaro Miura once talked about how he drew the action scenes in the manga which helped in the success of the series.
Japanese manga author Kentaro Miura has died aged 54. He was best-known for his popular dark fantasy creation Berserk, which debuted as a series in 1989. In a statement, publisher Hakusensha ...
Kentaro Miura’s fear of discarding ideas or settings due to him believing he was slow was what eventually shaped Berserk’s complex narrative.