Rev. John E. Harnish is a retired United Methodist pastor and author living in Benzie County. His wife, two sons and daughter ...
The people responsible for posting a video with the sign “Jesus loves white children” outside of Pembroke’s elementary school this week shared similar videos on social media in the last ...
Otherwise they might have been treated to a mini-demonstration Monday: an adult and a child standing and waving next to a sign that read: Jesus Loves White Children. It’s unknown who organized ...
In the video, an adult and a child are seen wearing masks standing next to a sign that read “Jesus Loves White Children.” Parents in Pembroke have condemned such messaging in their tight-knit ...
Jesus is saying that his followers should show the qualities that young children have - trust, dependence, faith, innocence and love. He stresses that we must trust in and depend on God ...
Remember singing these words in Sunday school or Vacation Bible School: “Jesus loves the little children; ALL the children of ...
When I taught Bible Classes at St. John Lutheran Church in Palmer, Alaska, I sometimes referenced two books. One of those ...