Jack The Ripper is one of the most recognisable names in the world – for all the wrong reasons. The infamous serial killer tortured and murdered women in London in the late 19th century. The identity ...
Extraordinary new DNA testing has finally revealed the identity of the infamous serial killer who terrorised the streets of London in 1888. A major breakthrough in the Jack the Ripper case could have ...
Russell Edwards identified a 100% DNA match to locate the real identity of serial killer “Jack the Ripper.” The infamous killer who terrorized London women may have been 23-year-old Aaron Kosminski, ...
The identity of Jack The Ripper has long been shrouded in mystery. However, in a dramatic turn of events, 130 years on from his horrific crimes, the killer's identity has now been unveiled through ...
Watch the full special episode of “Banfield” where historian Russell Edwards discusses his claim of identifying Jack the Ripper as Aaron Kosminski through DNA evidence linked to a shawl found at one ...
New DNA evidence has revealed the identity of Jack the Ripper as Aaron Kosminski, a Polish barber, more than 130 years after the brutal murders that terrorized Victorian London. Historian and author ...
For over a century, the name Jack the Ripper has haunted history. In case you didn’t know, Jack The Ripper was a shadowy figure who stalked the streets of Victorian London, brutally murdering ...
Ever since he vanished into the Victorian night, the identity of Jack The Ripper has kept historians guessing and arguing. Some theories make sense. Others… not so much. Could the Whitechapel Murderer ...
The killings we attribute to Jack The Ripper were actually part of a larger context of casual slaughter within London’s East End in 1888. Together, these crimes are known as the Whitechapel Murders, ...
delves into the killings of Jack the Ripper and the media circus it created in 1800s London. Rather than focusing solely on the identity of the killer, this bold new series delves into how the ...