POLLEN: Pollen is what triggers Romeo’s allergies. An allergic reaction to pollen can cause swelling and itching. A dog’s ...
If your dog is suffering from dry, itchy, or irritated skin, an oatmeal bath could be ... to give your furry friend the ultimate oatmeal treatment, an oatmeal bath is the way to go.
Natural Plant Ingredients: With ingredients such as Cordyceps, Centella Asiatica Flower, Glycyrrhiza Uralensis Root and Gentian, the dog itch relief spray is gentle on pets with sensitive skin and ...
Frequent scratching, licking or biting may be a sign that your wet-nosed companion needs veterinary care. Chronic itching and ...
Chamomile tea works wonders as another herbal solution to improve a dog's fur health. Simply brew chamomile tea, cool it down and use it as a rinse after bathing your dog. The anti-inflammatory ...
Excessive itching may signal an underlying issue. Learn about common dog allergies, symptoms, and treatment options for ...
Dogs, like humans, can be allergic to many things, including environmental factors and food. Nailing down what’s causing the ...