There are many differences between Shi’a and Sunni beliefs. However ... the community is not a birth right as it is in Shi’a Islam. There is no set hierarchy in Sunni Islam and the word ...
Examining the geometric patterns that characterize so much of Islamic art can provide students with important insights into the technology, scientific knowledge, and religious beliefs of Muslims.
The concept of risk sharing is central to Islamic banking and finance. At the same time, Islamic finance demands the avoidance of riba and gharar.
Muslims of Senegal consider themselves as followers of Sheikh Ibrahima Fall, and according to their beliefs, physical labor, service, good deeds, and devotion to one's Sufi master (Shaykh), are equal ...
Akhirah close akhirahEverlasting life after death in Islam. is the term used in Islam to describe the belief in everlasting life after death. Muslims regard life on Earth as a test from Allah ...