Sci-fi author Asimov feared embarrassment might come out of one project, so he decided to create an alter ego.
Theremon doubts Sheerin. Although he doesn’t doubt the eclipse, he doesn’t believe that darkness can cause insanity. Sheerin dares Theremon to draw the curtains shut. Theremon does, and when the pair ...
BBC interview has resurfaced, revealing his prediction of a future where humans and machines merge. His vision of robots ...
BBC interview resurfaces, predicting a future where humans and robots converge into hybrid entities. With advances in bionic ...
Isaac Asimov wrote a lot of sci-fi novels, and Foundation manages to reference a lot of the author's work with the presence of a single character.
is developing a feature take on Isaac Asimov’s 1954 sci-fi novel The Caves of Steel for 20th Century Studios, Deadline can reveal. Ridley plans to direct Caves of Steel, having written the most ...