There is no cure for vitiligo, but there are a variety of innovative treatments that your doctor may prescribe once you've been diagnosed. It's a really exciting time to be treating vitiligo ...
Medically reviewed by Marisa Garshick, MD White spots on the skin can be caused by sun exposure or conditions including milia ...
Recent network meta-analyses identified the relative outcomes of various vitiligo monotherapies on vitiligo at 6 months.
A few days ago, millions around the world cheered when the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a treatment for vitiligo - a topical cream that can restore pigment with unprecedented ...
"There were times when I felt alone, frustrated, and insecure," said Reuben K. Sam, who has lived with the condition for decades.
FDA Grants Approval to First Treatment for Vitiligo “There's a lot of misconceptions about what vitiligo is,” says Aleman. “I'm still kind of learning myself. So as I learn, I do like to ...
Turkey: A decade-long study from a tertiary care hospital highlights the effectiveness and safety of narrow-band ultraviolet ...
Looking for reliable medications to treat 'Vitiligo'? This page offers a detailed resource for the most up-to-date treatment options, including both generic and brand-name medications. For ...
Furthermore, Rosmarin wished there were better tools to assess quality of life of patients with vitiligo in the research setting as well. Several guidelines have been published for the treatment ...
Vitiligo develops when the body forms an antibody against melanin and destroys it. There are several possible treatments for vitiligo. The type offered depends on the severity of the condition.
“Our FDA-approved melanocortin technology SCENESSE ® has helped patients with a rare light-intolerance disorder lead more normal lives and is now showing promise as a treatment for ...