The Silmarillion is the prequel to the Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings, recounting the creation of Middle Earth and its ancient history up to the time of Bilbo Baggins. The narration by Martin Shaw ...
The Hobbit collection is a three-part epic fantasy ... earth 60 years before "The Lord of the Rings", and will act as a prequel to Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Hopefully, here in this kingdom, he will endure. "You have elected the way of...pain!" The Hobbit is not known for the action scenes Artistic liberties taken to the max, perhaps even too far?
The Hobbit collection is a three-part epic fantasy ... earth 60 years before "The Lord of the Rings", and will act as a prequel to Jackson's The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
Amazon produced its own Lord of the Rings prequel, The Rings of Power, based on Tolkien's appendices and supporting books. The show steered clear of some of the pitfalls of The Hobbit ...
The Hobbit trilogy was, in many ways, the ideal prequel. It expanded the world of The Lord of the Rings with familiar characters, like Gandalf (Ian McKellen) and Galadriel (Cate Blanchett), while ...