Explore Far Cry 3 Deluxe Edition for free! Find out how to get Steam accounts and keys to enjoy the exciting game world.
Blood Dragon was announced on April 1, so many people initially thought Ubisoft was just joking. But no — they were serious.
Ubisoft has just canceled the next Far Cry game, and while some fans may understandably panic, it is actually the best move it could have made.
Ubisoft’s fifth main entry to its sprawling open-world shooter series is turning seven, and we’d love to see it on the ...
The Far Cry games have been around for more than 20 years, but that means there's a lot of games to play through for newcomers to the series.
If you haven't already scrapped your weekend plans so that you can binge The Sandman, here's another brilliant way to be entertained all weekend: Ubisoft is making Far Cry 6 completely free to ...
Far Cry 3 offers a balanced map size, while New Dawn's action is concentrated over a smaller area. Far Cry 5 and Far Cry 6 have large maps, but fan feedback may shape future map sizes. When ...
Far Cry 3 remains one of the best-reviewed, largely in part to its villain and writing. Far Cry 7 and Project Maverick both hope to shake up the formulaic nature the series has been known for as ...
The season pass also includes Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon Classic Edition ... PS Store has added a new free game with an easy Platinum trophy, but you’ll want to play this one… ...
Since Far Cry 3, interest in new franchise entries has arguably dwindled more and more, but Far Cry 7 embracing a new approach could turn that all around. Getting the chance to actually walk in ...