Name the last place where you saw seaweed on the menu ... but there are reasons beyond gastronomy to appreciate them. Kelp, in particular, has the potential to greatly reduce ocean acidification.
Chef Andrew Wilkinson of North Coast Seafoods hands out samples of kelp "meatballs" at an Introduction to Global Public Health class. (Photos by Lee Pellegrini) A new nutritious, sustainable, ...
Especially because many of the most well-known aquatic plants including sargassum, kelp, red algae and phytoplankton are all ... Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each ...
There is growing interest in the value of seaweeds such as sea kelp as products with important chemical (e.g., iodine) and nutritional potential. A broad understanding exits that seaweed is ‘good for ...
I’m pretty clear-eyed about the politics right now, but it doesn’t mean you just stop pushing good bills,” said Huffman. Researchers found a kelp forest decline of more than 90% from 2014-15 ...
OAKLAND, Calif.— The Center for Biological Diversity petitioned NOAA Fisheries today to grant Endangered Species Act protection to bull kelp, which faces grave threats from climate change and coastal ...